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Need help with completing customer specifications? Our paid services include training on Smart Supplier and interim specification writing services, so we can train your team in using the system, or provide technologists to write them for you.

When you invest in our services, we take great care to understand your business requirements, timescales and style of writing to ensure that our technologists provide you with exactly what you require. Our food specification technologists have extensive experience writing food specifications on all retailer and foodservice platforms, including Smart Supplier.

For more information on specification writing services please visit https://www.ntassure.co.uk/service/specification-writing-services/ and for information on training dates visit https://www.ntassure.co.uk/training/. To talk to us about how we can support you, and to get a quote, give us a call on 01933 272089. We have technologists available immediately so get in touch to discuss your requirements.